Friday, October 4, 2013

I sat in the Flint airport listening to the repeated announcement about not letting someone put anything in your baggage and not smoking. Note - Repeated.

A different voice came on the intercom and said, "Tracy, Paul would like to ask you to homecoming. He would like you to text him with your answer."

As I sat thinking there are ladies that would find that romantic or original, but I'm sure there are many who think the guy's a punk.

The truth is; it matters not one molecule what we think. What matters is what Tracy thought.

Then it hit me. I'll never know! I didn't see a young girl giggle and grab her phone.  I'm never going to know if Paul and Tracy are going to homecoming!

The public announcement forced me into the edge of their private world without letting me know the rest of the story.  I wanted a follow-up announcement. "Security, please remove the crying boy from the ticketing area."  Or, "Congratulations Tracy and Paul!"

I was forced to use my imagination. I laughed at the thought that Tracy's Dad was there seeing his daughter off… then met Paul in the parking lot. Backfire.  Medic! It's not good when I'm left to my imagination.

I decided it's not healthy for me to know part of the story. God's inviting you.  Say yes!

Enjoy the love of God today. He wants to spend time with you.  He wants to know you and he wants you to know him.

That story is in your hands.

Pastor Dave

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