To My Other Valentine,
Thank you for being the person I didn't know how to imagine you would be when we fell in love.
Thank you for believing in me.
Thank you for letting God make you into who you are.
Thank you for your commitment to us.
Thank you for the joy of dreaming about tomorrow with you.
To My Valentine,
Thank You for being the Savior I didn't know how to imagine You would be when I fell in love. You have shown me more and more of who You are and it makes me a better person the more I know You.
Thank You for believing in me. You know me better than anyone in the world and You still love me and have faith in what I was created to be. You know what Your grace and power could fully do and You don't give up on me when I miss that.
Thank You for letting God make You into who You are. You are the Savior that took on my sins so that I could know the Father. You paid the highest price because of Your love for the Father and Your love for me. I'm glad You were the willing Sacrifice, and now the reigning King.
Thank You for your commitment to us. You have shown me what it looks like to be committed. You are much better at it than I am, but You never judge me for that. You keep loving when I am weak. You keep teaching when I am slow. You keep reaching when I fall down.
Thank You for the joy of dreaming about tomorrow with You. I can't fully picture what it will be like, but I know that we will spend eternity together. I can only imagine a world free of pain, loss, doubts, and limits. But, You've built one for me. Someday we'll be together without any barriers.
By the way, thank You for my other valentine too.
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