Friday, September 6, 2013


It's my Jubilee day today.

In Jesus' day 50 years represented a full measure of years. It was when a man would reach a new level of respect and be seen as fully mature. My bible encyclopedia says that 50, "conveys a sense of completion and the wisdom of long experience."

Yep, that's what it says. I don't like the word "completion."

I think my thumb has arthritis in it.
My chin is a picture of the diversity of black and white (I wonder if I can get a government grant).
The prescription on the top of my glasses is different than the bottom.
I actually don't think that retirement is too far away to even imagine.
I've said the words, "I remember when that store was a farm."
I eat bran cereal and vegetables on purpose. (not at the same time)
My dentist is younger than I am - a lot.

But, as I sit in my office I can feel dignity leaking out of the cells of my body and congealing in my brain transforming me into… a grown-up fifty year old. I will wake up Saturday and be Rev. Dale David Kessler. I probably will no longer laugh at sitcoms or play loud games with my family.  I will stop liking action movies.  The day after tomorrow I will no longer tease people and I will only wear "outfits." I will drive slow and not eat spicy food after 4:00 pm. I can feel it.  It's h a p p e n i n g.  I ' m  g  e  t  t  i  n  g    m  a   t   u   r  e   e   e   e.

At one point Jesus was teased because he wasn't fifty (John 8:57).  Today I am. The Pharisees would think I was mature!  I like that even less than the word "completion."

Here's my conclusion, Jesus loves me and I will serve him with all that I am. So, I guess nothing's different at all.  I'm ok with that.


Rev. Dale David Kessler (or to my wife, "Davey Baby")


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