Friday, April 13, 2012

A post-Easter blessing

"Grace and Peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ." Paul gave that blessing to the church in Philippi in the beginning of his letter to them (1:2).

That's a good post-Easter blessing.

However, as a pastor that is ministering to a church 2000 years later, I feel I could give a better blessing.  We are a more advanced culture (we have twitter).  We are a better educated culture (we have a government regulated school system).  We are a more civilized culture (we have Levi's and Lexus).  We are a healthier culture (we have ingredient labels and pedometers).

Paul was trained by Gamaliel, but I have Master's degree and Google.  I feel qualified to proclaim a post-Easter blessing with more depth and bigger teeth.

Here we go -
"Success and happiness to you!"
"Ease and prosperity to you!''
"Fun and enjoyment to you!"

Wait, I'm not done.  I wear pants, not a robe.  I've read the Purpose Driven Life.  I own a Wii.  I can do this.

"Clarity and confidence to you."   (imagine cricket sounds here)

It's amazing to me how advanced I think I am and how shallow my misconception leaves me.

Can we do any better than living the grace shown to us and the peace given to us by God's plan of redemption?  If we truly received both grace and peace wouldn't that make a difference?  Have we fully learned that God is the only source both?

No matter what your week has held, I have a blessing to speak into your life.  Regardless of the unknown future you are facing, there is a blessing that could change your life and the lives of those you come in contact with throughout your post-Easter days.

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. (imagine trumpet sounds here)

Receiving it,

Pastor Dave


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