Friday, December 2, 2011


It happened again.  December.  I'm thinking of 10 ways to live through December.

10. Don't be within 5 miles of the Birch Run outlet mall until 1.4.12.

9. When cooking, dip everything in chocolate.  It's a little known fact that there were 4 wise men - the 4th brought Joseph and Mary chocolate covered pretzels and chocolate covered peanut butter balls.  It's a tradition.

8. Don't buy your wife a new generator for Christmas - unless she asks for one… in which case be very careful, it may be a trap to see if you know what she really wants.

7.  Don't buy your husband a new ab-roller for Christmas - unless he asks for one… in which case be very careful, it may to be trap you see if you're ok with him not having rock abs.

6. Don't get all offended when someone says "happy holidays."  If they don't understand  the importance of baptism, communion, or Easter to Christians they don't understand the importance of the birth either. (note - living Christ-like is more important than saying "Christmas")

5. Never try to beat a grandma to a reduced sale item.

4. Only snuggle up to a cozy fire in the living room if you have a fireplace.

3. Cancel one of your parties, events, meetings, trips, gatherings, and errands and enjoy a quiet moment with God.

2. Give something to someone without them knowing who it's from.

1. Reflect on the grace of God that knows no limit.  Stand in faith in God in ways that has no exceptions.  Worship the love of God that drove Him to give His Son for you.  Swim in the warm pools of gratitude because His power is not attached to our calendar.

Living Through December,
Pastor Dave

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