Friday, October 28, 2011

What If...

"CUT!  That's not right.  We've gone over the lines.  We've gone over the placement.  We've gone over the facial expressions.  You're doing it all wrong.  We will all stand here till moss grows on our shoes doing it over and over until you get it right.  Do it again!"

What if God were a crabby temperamental director?

"No, No, No!  That's not repentance!  Do it again."

"Stop! I told you that you can't work here unless you forgive them."

"For the one millionth time it's 'love your enemies' and 'hate the world' you keep doing it backwards."

What if God kept making us redo the scene of showing grace to someone else until it was convincing.

What if He interrupted worship and proclaimed, "You're doing it wrong!  You keep complaining about (or worshipping) song selection, volume, and personal taste.  You don't even have me in mind while you're doing it.  Start over!"

"You're ad-libbing things that I would never write in the script.  Do it again!"

What if God sat by, in one of those high cloth chairs with the word "Yahweh" monogrammed in gold on the back, with a bull horn yelling out directions and clarifications of the scenes of our lives.  "Kessler - wake up! The waitress in this scene needs you to pay attention to her, she's at the end of her rope… Action!"

"David, pay close attention to this scene.  You're alone.  You're discouraged.  You wonder if there is any point.  You're going to enter a place of profound fear.  But faith is still going to be stronger than temptation… Action!"

"Kessler, this scene requires you being honest.  Quit hiding behind stuff and excuses.  I can't deal with these egos!  There are other people that could do this better.  I knew I should have contacted Matt Damon for your roll!  You're fired!

What if God really was involved in all the scenes of my life?  What if he really did observe everything?  What if the script is given to me by God's Holy Spirit?  What if he really were the director in my story?  Not crabby or temperamental.  Not wishing I was like other actors.  Not barking out cold commands.  But - directing.  Directing a real story of events that grow me and His Kingdom at the same time.  What if I really am supposed to listen for His direction and follow His script?

What if…


Pastor Dave

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