Friday, July 1, 2011

Thought Life

I've missed the last couple of weeks of "Friday Thoughts."  To be honest, I was going to take the summer off.  But, it doesn't seem the right thing to do right now.


Throughout the summer I'm going to continue to think and write in the area of our current sermon series, "Brain on a Leash."  I'd like to keep us focused on our thought life... I'd like to keep me focused on my thought life.




1. God knit me together with a thought life so that I could be more aware of him.

This is a tool God has given me that is so easily unused or misused, but it is a gift of God.


2. There's gold in them thar' hills.

I think my thought life is an untapped arena of richness, strength, and God's grace.  I want to learn how to tap into them and more.


3.  My design is hidden under the stuff.

What if a clear awareness of who I am made to be is buried under the thoughts that don't belong?


So, this summer I'm going to continue to call us to growth in this area.  Even when the sermon series is done, I'd like to keep digging.  And, I'd like to hear from you.  How's the battle?  What works, what doesn't?


Fellow Servant,


Pastor Dave


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