Friday, August 28, 2009

It's almost a new season...

Dear Fellow Travelers,

Summer is almost done. School is about to start. Leaves are starting to look a lighter shade of green. The landscaping projects I was going to do this summer have been slated in my mind for next summer. Summer is almost over.

We started this summer with a call for this to be the "Best Summer Ever." The heart for that wasn't that you would get a raise, that your problems would evaporate, or even that vacations would go great. The issue is spiritual growth. The season we have come through was a focused call to grow closer to Christ. Let's do a quick review.

"I have heard the call and answered it. Whatever else this summer holds it will hold growth in the Lord! I commit to active steps that will deepen my walk with the Lord and prepare me for the fruit he longs to grow through my life."

1. "I am going to WORSHIP on purpose!" Did you? Or was worship limited to what you did on Sunday morning, and then only when you liked the song selection. Worship is an act of your will to proclaim who God is and how much you need him. Did you grow in that?

2. "I am going to focus on the WORD!" How much time did you spend in God's Word? It is impossible to grow closer to Christ and ignore the Bible at the same time. How's your focus?

3. "I am going to embrace a summer PRAYER burden!" Have you let God give you a heart for someone or something? Not just so that you feel fuzzy feelings, but so that you talk to God passionately about it. Do you have a prayer burden?

4. "I am going to ask God for the IMPOSSIBLE!" To many times we ask God for what we can do ourselves, and then give Him some credit or blame. What's the God thing in your life?

5. "I am going to swim in the deep end of the GENEROUS pool!" Generosity is when I give knowing it is in obedience and faith with the result of God's blessing on my spirit. How ya doing?

6. "I am going to risk a new RELATIONSHIP!" We have really enjoyed a time of growth as a church. There are many faces that you see on Sunday that you probably don't know. Have you invited anyone to your house? Have you asked anyone to get a cup of coffee and get to know them? Have you done anything to be relational and take a risk?

7. "I am going to start each day with a new GOD word!" This is such an easy habit to develop. "God, today I long to live in and be aware of your mercy." Everyday could have a handle of God woven through it. How'd you do?

8. "I am going to do a 7 day a week GROWTH plan!" Every day that breath is given to me is a day for growing in Him – not just Sunday. What's your daily plan to include Him?

9. "I am going to watch for OPEN doors!" "Lord, give me the eyes to see the work that you have done to give me the opportunity to obey." Have you been looking?

10. "I am going to 'sprinklerize' my GROWTH steps!" How'd you do at giving away the joy of the Lord this summer?

If we keep doing what we've been doing without growing in the Lord we dishonor Him. If you and I go from season to season without a plan to grow – we won't. If tools for growth remain in the shed unused my soul will weaken, and blame rests on my own hands.

It's almost a new season – how about a new commitment to thank God for the work He has done and the work He will do.

Living For A Reason,

Pastor Dave

Friday, August 21, 2009

resolution #777.847683022c

resolution #777.847683022c


SUBMITTED BY: A Follower of Christ


WHEREAS, the Creator God has all power and has established the only way for those created in His image to know Him; and


WHEREAS, said Creator God has made the way of knowing Him clear through a detailed and accurate account written and compiled in the form of what is known as The Bible; and


WHEREAS, the Son of the Creator God was willing and even eager to be obedient to every desire and command of His Father to the point of giving the complete sacrifice of His very own life so that all transgressions and sins would be forgotten by the Creator God as a result of faith and repentance; and


WHEREAS, the Spirit is available to cleanse, fill, anoint, empower, convict, comfort, and restore every human that is present on the globe created by the Creator God; and 


WHEREAS, those who have personal and intimate knowledge of the Creator God, the Son, and the Spirit have been give the designation of Christians (in honor of the Son of God); and


WHEREAS, said Christians have individually been brought into the collective community known as "the Church" which by definition means they are "called out" from the world and "called to" participate in the advancement of the Kingdom of God; and


WHEREAS, those who have been labeled the "the Church" have largely neglected their call and command by the Creator God and instead have used their energy to engage in: whining, political maneuvering and manipulation, fights with each other over what is of no consequence to the Creator God, demands that their opinions and traditions be elevated over the requirements of God, a selfish use of "their" money, and a disrespectful treatment of those who are co-members of the Kingdom; and


WHEREAS, there is a remarkable absence of the presence of the miraculous on a regular and consistent basis causing the church to reduce the doctrines of: salvation, sanctification, holiness, calling, healing, wholeness, and evangelism to a level that is pleasing and acceptable to them but not to the Author of those doctrines; and


WHEREAS, those not in the church have sometimes been accurate in their assessment of the community of believers as being hypocritical, judgmental, and distant; and


WHEREAS, there is apparently more than what we are currently living that would be known through: passionate and consistent reading of the Bible, honest and desperate prayer, realignment of all priorities, true brokenness over the lost and a profound hunger for a move of the Spirit of God; therefore be it


RESOLVED, that all Christians immediately return to loving God with all of their heart, soul, mind, and strength; and be it further


RESOLVED, that all Christians purely love the very next person they come across with the love they are given by Christ in a truly supernatural way to a supernatural degree; and be it further


RESOLVED, that forgiveness and relational restoration happens; and be it further


RESOLVED, that fear of radical Christ-centered, Spirit filled living and worship be eradicated from the behavior of believers; and be it further


RESOLVED, that spiritual growth be elevated over uniformity and each person be valued where they are at while given the tools and encouragement to advance from that point; and be it further


RESOLVED, that excuses be stifled and wholeness, healing, and joy be the prevalent atmospheres of our gatherings; and be it further




RESOLVED, that the above noted resolutions be expected as the norm effective immediately. 



Just an Idea,


Pastor Dave

Friday, August 14, 2009

Anniversary thoughts...

Today is the 27th anniversary of our marriage.  This would be a great opportunity for me to say sappy things about marriage and how Leah is my favorite person in the world, but I'll keep that for private conversations.  Frankly – that stuff is none of your business! J

Here are a few things I'm aware of on my anniversary:

1.  Cake walks are for school carnivals.

Marriage isn't a breeze.  Relational lightweights should run before they say, "I do".  There's work involved, and sometimes there are storms that seem to have ruining marriage as their sole purpose.  No - it's not always easy, but two people invested in growing can walk through the hurricane together. 


2. Grace Grace Grace Grace Grace.

Only people who need grace should give grace.  Those who have no need for grace are not required to give it.  But for most of us, we need it and should be willing to give it… often.  Somehow the "golden rule" turns to tinfoil in a marriage sometimes.  Harsh answers and angry responses that demean my mate are not acceptable. 

(needed statement that may make some people really mad) -

God hates divorce – God doesn't hate divorced people.  When a spouse has broken the marriage covenant people have had to make some really hard decisions.  It is not our place to judge them, condemn them, or use a Bible verse as a weapon against them.  Our role is to bring healing through living the example of wholeness and holiness.  Rather than us screaming about divorce let's build an atmosphere where people can see what a godly marriage looks like without lowering our call to holiness. 


3.  Parents need to show the right stuff.

Parents, you are teaching your children (and others who come in contact with you) how to be a husband and a wife.  What lessons are you teaching?


4.  Sex is not supposed to be selfish.

Umm, awkward moment.  What was designed to be an intimate expression of love, commitment, and servanthood has been downgraded to a divisive manipulation of someone's spirit and body.  Either sex is a taboo necessity to endure or it is a free-for-all moment of selfishness.  Extremes are little more than sin – either way.  My sex life motto: "Honoring to God and Pleasing to Both."  Inside that fence there is a lot of room to smile! 


5.  God is more than a mode of transportation.

God sometimes becomes an emergency ride from "point A" to "point B" in marriage.  He's on our priority list when it fits the crisis, but when we get tired or not in the mood we bail and walk on our own.  Marriage is a perfect laboratory of relational experiments that God is to be given complete access to.  He is part of every failed experiment and part of every success.  


6.  Trying is better than not trying.

For crying out loud keep trying to grow together.  Keep trying.  When you're done trying – try some more.  When a spouse quits trying to grow it is a plan – it's just a really goofy one.


7.  I'm one stupid move away from flushing what is valuable.

Leah and I have a strong, exclusive, growing, fun, and not flawless marriage.  We have learned how to make deposits in each other's love and trust bank.  One withdrawal could be devastating.  We are not above messing up ministry, family, and friendships.  Humility is a good thing to keep me dependant on the Lord and open with my wife.  I don't want to dishonor God or violate my wife, but a healthy awareness of how close I am to messing everything up in my life also helps keep me on the "straight and narrow."


8.  "Christian marriages" are different than "married Christians"  

Two "Christians" can come together with an agenda and a selfish bent and the result is not a "Christian marriage."  The call is for unity.  My marriage is to be a picture of the relationship between Christ and the Church not a polar bear and a seal!


9.  Cherished people don't shoot you in the back.

Yah, that kind of speaks for itself doesn't it?  We need to re-learn how to cherish each other constantly.


10.  You don't always have to have 10 points.

Guess I'm done now. 


Married people don't stop growing.  Single people never settle!

Happy in this life, ready for the next,

Pastor Dave

Friday, August 7, 2009

Enter Praying

There are times that preparing for a sermon is kind of a breeze. It’s as if the Spirit of God directs your preparation and floods with more content then could possibly be given in the amount of time we have.

Then there are times that… well… aren’t like that.

This is an honest call to those who read these words, no matter what church you attend, to pray for your pastor.

Two prayers to pray before this Sunday –

For Your Pastor -

“Lord, God would You bring a new anointing to my pastor’s spirit. He really needs anointing for discernment to know what is to be taught and what is to be skipped. He needs anointing to overcome emotions that try to stand in the way of truth being proclaimed. He needs anointing to know what matters and what doesn’t. He needs anointing to not be distracted from the words You are placing in his heart.

Protect him from temptation. Give him the strength to say “no” loud when that is Your will, and the power of a supernatural “yes” to whatever builds your Kingdom.

Give my pastor the wisdom to keep a strong marriage and holy relationships. May he know the full joy of having You guard his thoughts and actions.

Help him worship this Sunday. It’s hard to worship in freedom while worrying about what people are thinking. May Your Spirit give him the ability this Sunday to be free without the worry - cause he can’t do both.

Lord, help him be excited about the chance to meet with the Body of Christ again, help him form the right words for us. This Sunday use him to start revival!”

For Yourself –

“Lord, God would You bring a new anointing to my spirit. I really need anointing for discernment to know what is to be received and what to ignore. I need anointing to overcome emotions that try to stand in the way of truth being received. I need anointing to know what matters and what doesn’t. I need anointing to not be distracted from the words You have for me.

Protect me from temptation. Give me the strength to say “no” loud when that is Your will, and the power of a supernatural “yes” to whatever builds your Kingdom.

Give me the wisdom to keep [a strong marriage and] holy relationships. May I know the full joy of having You guard my thoughts and actions.

Help me worship. It’s hard to worship in freedom while worrying about what people are thinking. May Your Spirit give me the ability this Sunday to be free without the worry - cause I can’t do both.

Lord, help me be excited about the chance to meet with the Body of Christ again, help me hear the right words. This Sunday use me to start revival!”

Let’s make a deal – I’ll pray for you and you pray for me.

If you’re not in the habit of prayer, take a few moments and read the ones above.

If your prayer life is kind of weak, take a few moments and read the ones above.

If you’ve been praying – thank you.

We’re entering a unique season as a church and nation this fall. Let’s enter it praying!


Pastor Dave