Friday, January 23, 2009


There are a lot of questions… more personally - I have a lot of questions.

In our moments of honesty we must crawl off our self made pedestal and recognize the fact that we really can’t fix the world’s problems with pat answers or rehearsed mantras.

I rest in the fact that I have a personal relationship the God who is not baffled by any problems or manmade messes, but He knows everything – I don’t.

I don’t understand why some people face repeated trials as if they were on a treadmill of dung, and others seem to breeze through life with a “good magnet” that attracts all the “fun stuff” of life to them.

I don’t understand why disease finds its home in children.

I don’t understand why the Government borrows money to bail out failed businesses so the failed business leaders can get a bonus for failing.

I don’t understand why some of us who know that God is calling us to more continue to attempt the impossible - going half-way with God.

I don’t know why God lets violent husbands hurt women and children. He’s God - He could teach abusers a lesson that the criminal system can’t imagine and would cause the ACLU to have a stroke.

Summary: I need to be honest about not knowing everything but having faith in a God who does. I think if our relationships included honesty about our limited condition and dependence on our unlimited God a lot of things would change.

This week-end encounter the One who does know everything…

Pastor Dave


Barb Standfest said...

I'm glad that I know the One Who does have the answers. I'm thankful for an opportunity just about an hour ago, to talk to someone about the God Who has the answers, because I sure don't!


Exactly. Just to be honest your apostrophe is upside-down;)

Well said Dave.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you didn't end the sign with "But.....God does." We know it's the truth but can come off as a pat answer and closes the door to honest discussion. Thanks.