Friday, January 31, 2014


Sunday night I plan on gathering with a handful of friends at our home. During the night we will consume more food than we should, laugh, and watch "some football game."

Some gathered will really care a lot about the outcome of the game, others will care a little, and there will be those who won't have even the slightest care (which will be demonstrated by the fact they are in another room trying to hear each other talk over the noise).

In the middle of the noise, the food, the game, and the commercials something else, that can't be forced, will happen of more value than the $88,000 bonus the members of the winning team will receive. In the space of a few four quarters, a bazillion timeouts, 1000 holding calls, a half-time show, and table full of food with questionable nutritional value - community will happen. People will enjoy being with people.

I think Jesus likes that.

Community happens in a lot of different ways for a lot of different reasons, but when people share space and enjoy life together there is something godly about it.

Sometimes community is to help survive a trial, sometimes community is about speaking truth into a life, sometimes it's for correction or even loving rebuke... sometimes it's just for fun. And, yes, there is something godly about it.

Go Broncos!

Friday, January 24, 2014

Edgy...or Honest?

Sometimes I'd like to be one of the edgy people that posts strong opinions that cause all kinds of debate, but I really don't have any desire to share my views on Duck Dynasty, Justin Bieber, health care, taxes, or bacon scented candles. I have them, it's just that I don't feel that letting people know what they are benefits anybody. People can't see Christ in my opinion on climate change (although many attempt to velcro him to their opinions to make their passion sound like a spiritual issue that Christ would agree with).

I'm sometimes disappointed with blogs and posts that I read of people who claim the name of Christ and speak the words of Don Rickles (if you don't know him - he's rude). Too often we are addicted to being right and discounting those who disagree. Salvation isn't based on your position on Gitmo.

What concerns me is the motive of "being right."  There is an inherent arrogance in assuming that I have insight that others are too ignorant to grasp, and a blatant disregard of the call of Christ when I devalue someone who disagrees with me.

Please understand that I have views on the topics noted above and many more.  I have a political bent. I care about what is happening in the culture. I just am weary of one more thing bleeding into church from the culture - attitude.

Maybe I'm being edgy in my own way, but it's time for us to quit insulting people who disagree with us. It's time to be done stirring up conflict that never results in advancing the kingdom of God. Perhaps we should worry less about when sinners sin and be more concerned when we do. Maybe it would do us well to refrain from trying to prove others wrong, pick up a towel and basin, and follow the example of the One we are named after.

And it you don't agree with that you're nothing but a.... 


Friday, January 17, 2014

Learning Who I Am

I started a conversation with Jesus the other day with, "Master, I've been wondering about me"

He smiled and nodded waiting for me to continue.

"Well, I've been wondering why I'm still... still... why I'm still just me." I knew the words didn't communicate my heart right and was hoping he would hear what I meant to say.

He smiled and asked, "Are you going to ask why you couldn't be a professional basketball player again?"

"No, Lord, it's different this time. It just seems that I know who I should be, I know who I am, and I'm embarrassed at how different the two are." I got closer to the issue that time.

Jesus leaned back in his chair, never losing eye contact with me, "David, who are you?"

"Excuse me?" I asked, wondering what he was expecting me to say.

"You said you know what you should be and you know what you are. I'm just curious, what is it that you know about yourself? In your eyes who are you?"

I thought for a moment, not expecting a quiz, "I'm tired?" I said hoping that would be enough of an answer. I saw the look on his face and knew that it wasn't.

"Tired is how you feel, not who you are. You said, 'I know who I am'. So, I'm asking you, what do you know about who you are?"

Before I could fully think the words through they came out, "I'm a disappointment. I'm a repeat offender. I am less than what you want, and less than others expect me to be. I'm the sum total of every mistake I've made. I am held captive by my thought life. I am a wanderer, sometimes near you and sometimes far away. I am a fraud. I am not as good as..."

"That's enough!" Jesus rarely interrupts me, but he did this time. He stood to his feet, his countenance went from that of a loving Shepherd to that of an angry King. "You apparently have no idea who you are. We've talked about this before and yet you to continue to find comfort in what isn't true. You go back to lies as if they are a favorite vacation spot. David, who are you?"

I hadn't see Jesus this frustrated in a long time. I pictured him turning over the money changers tables in the temple and wondered if the coffee table behind him was safe. "I'm, I'm, I'm... now I'm nervous."

I expected him to grin at my attempt at humor, but he didn't. "No, that's still what you feel, that's not who you are. Who are you?"

Do you know how sometimes a forgotten conversation instantly comes rushing into the forefront of your mind? That's what happened as I looked at the stern face of Jesus standing in front of me. I could almost hear the noise of lies retreating and notes of grace taking their place.

Jesus saw the sound of truth growing in my spirit and said it again with a grin coming back to his face, "David, who are you?"

"I... I... I am a child of our Father. I am one that he loved enough to be invited into His story. I am the home of the Spirit and a member of the Kingdom." Jesus started to smile as he sat next to me while I continued.

"I know who and what I am, I am loved even though I'm flawed, and valued enough that you're willing to work with me on those flaws. I am the one you are building a home for. I am a mighty warrior and a gentle spirit. I am trusted with the truth. I am separated from my past by your grace and being prepared for my future by your power." Not only was Jesus not angry, he was starting to laugh as each statement grew in my spirit.

"Keep going," he said, "I love it when you remember what is real."

"I am a servant of the Creator. I am a channel of our Father's love to the wounded. I am a member of the body of Christ. In you I am stronger than what tempts me. I know who I am, I am more than what my culture is, I am...." I don't know how long I continued, but Jesus and I laughed together as the truth grew again in my soul.

When I stopped Jesus leaned forward and said, "You've forgotten a very important one," he paused as I listened for who Jesus would say that I am, "You are my friend. And David, it really bugs me when people tell lies about my friends."

His expression got stern again, "Stop talking about yourself as if I'm not listening. It doesn't reflect well on our relationship when you ignore our friendship."

Now I could almost hear my soul healing as the words of Christ gave me value that no other words could.

He continued, "I want to put my power in your thoughts and words, but I can't if your thoughts and words tear you apart. David, stop talking about my friend David like that."

Sometimes the "stuff" of life causes me to forget who I am. I'm David. Jesus is both my King and my friend. That's who I am. By the way, he told me he wanted to have that conversation with you too.


Friday, January 3, 2014

2014 Prayer

"God of the universe and Lover of my soul, I think the New Year needs to include a starting line of confession.

I confess before you my failures of the previous year to allow you to love someone through me. Too often I predetermine who I let you love through me. I have favorite people that I want to show your love to and others who I have deemed as not worthy of your love.

I confess my desire to mix your will with my plans. I long to know your will, but I don't want my plans to get lost in the journey. I am well aware of the fact my plans and your will sometimes don't mix, and sometimes I have chosen to act on the wrong one.

I confess my hunger to be liked. I want to be accepted and receive approval of people to the degree that I forget that none of the people I long to impress are capable of caring for my soul in this life or the next. Sometimes I fight for the favor of the weaker over the Stronger.

I confess to you a sharp tongue. I speak harsh words far too quickly missing the opportunity you offer of seasoning my words with your grace and wisdom. Critical words make me feel superior and purchase for me a sense of hidden arrogance that puffs up my value at the cost of someone else. I'm sorry.

I humbly confess a spirit of empty religion.  Sometimes I view you through the lens of things that I do for you. I keep hoops of my faith propped up with my flippant words and jump through them with my weak commitment without taking the time to notice a lack of power or fruit.

I confess with sorrow my bent to mix political opinions with the call of the gospel. I feel self-righteous when I point to the errors of those who disagree and angry when there is a hint that my rights are not being upheld. I have tried to make servanthood palatable, following you less strenuous, and cross carrying fit into my schedule.

I also confess my disappointment… sometimes even with you. There were times in this past year that I asked for your hand and did not see it.  There were times I asked for understanding and didn't receive it, and times that I sought intervention and you withheld it. To be honest, there were times through the year my faith was paper thin. The year included moments of real joy, but it also held many, many moments of disappointment. I have made my expectations an idol and it makes me mad when you don't worship them too.

I start this New Year with a new confession.

I confess my undying commitment and my unwavering love for you and all that you are.

I confess my continued need for your grace to face a new year of unknowns and trials that will pull me to compromise.

I confess my complete weakness to face a single fraction of a second without your hand on me, whether it is felt or not.

I confess my inability to accomplish anything of value without your power pulsating through my spirit.

I confess that I am yours.
