Friday, December 13, 2013

Morning Prayer

"Jesus, I woke this morning thinking about you, your church, and your birthday.

You are the ruler of my life and all that is. You have the authority to right all my wrongs, bless me with all that I desire, and teach me all that I need to know.

Your church is the place that we gather, worship, and meet with you. It's the spot in my life where I connect with those who are like-minded and can celebrate your blessings.

And your birthday is the time of year that giving is the norm."

"David, when you woke this morning I asked you to think about me, my church, and my birthday. But you were unable to.

You view me as a dispenser of what you think you need and want and forget that I came to seek and save the lost and to serve them through you. You're not really thinking of me when you're focused on what I can do for you.

You still see my church as a building and Christian Club that I go to hang out in with my fans. My church is people who follow me into the dark places of the world and show the broken what I look like.

And "my birthday" is reduced by you when you just think about what people you love want and finding it at the lowest price possible."

"Help me think of you, your church, and your birthday in a way that honors you."

Repeating that last line,

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