Friday, January 11, 2013

A New Start Conversation

David: Lord, we're a few days into the new year and I'm wondering if there is such a thing as a false start.  Sometimes the race doesn't start well and I stumble.  Could you blow the whistle and call us back to the line again?

Jesus: No.

David: But Lord, I had a whole list of things that I was going to do this year to be a better person and I've already messed some of them up.

Jesus: Yep, you did.

David: So, let's erase a few days and make it 1.1.2013 again!

Jesus: No.

David: Fine!  I'll just settle for being what I was last year, again.  Maybe I can be a better person in 2014.

Jesus: No.

David: Our conversation seems to be stuck.  Do you want me to be a better person or not?

Jesus: Not

David: ?

Jesus: I want to help you be more like me.  This is not about you being a better you; it's about me being me through you.  For that you don't need to be a better person you just need to get out of my way.

David: So can we start over so I can get out of your way?

Jesus: No.

David: We don't seem to be getting anywhere.

Jesus: You don't need to rewind the clock, my grace is not about reliving the past; it's about the past not dictating today.  Start now and let me take care of the first eleven days.

David: That makes sense.  So can we talk about me winning a billion dollars now?

Jesus: No


1 comment:

Anita said...

Thanks for your honesty, Pastor Dave. It helps me see you as a person not as a pastor up on a pedestal. Hmmmm...I hope that makes sense. Well, to me it does.