Friday, May 4, 2012


I know it's always been part of the game but for some reason a migration really bugs me.  It's not a migration of bugs or birds (not literally anyway).  It's a migration of people… politicians.

It doesn't matter which side of the political aisle you sit on; "Everyone's doing it" is just as thick of wall to hide behind as an adult as it was when we were in Jr. High.

Now that it's a sure thing who the Republican nominee is going to be the headlines are reading, "_________ supports Romney."

I think that should have to be declared at the beginning.  An "out of the six that are going to campaign for the nomination I support_______ for the following reasons" statement would tell me more about what you believe and why.

As it is, it feels like filling out a bracket for March Madness in May.  "After careful thought, deliberation, and weighing the stats, I believe that I will vote for the team that won."

Before I throw a stone too hard I have to realize there's a mirror in the direction I am aiming.

It's easier to assume and proclaim, "that was God's will," leaving a situation than it is to seek Him and discern His will before I get there.  Romans 12:2 tells me that submitting to the transformation of God is so that I would know His "good, pleasing, and perfect will."

Wading into the pool of discovering the will of God is more work, requires more faith, and takes more time.  But isn't that what we're supposed to do?  Watching for signs, listening for confirmation, knowing the leading, waiting for direction, following the will - those are actions that require faith in and communion with God.

I wonder how many of my decisions would be different if they were made after a season of seeking God.  I wonder if I could risk being confident in Him before rather than blaming His sovereignty after.  I wonder how that would impact other people.

But, that's kind of weird.

God and I like weird.

Seeking His Will,
Pastor Dave

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