Friday, January 13, 2012

I'm Grinning

As I sit in my office at home and look out the window at the trees I find myself singing, "It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas" - on January the 13th.  I wonder, if Winter starts a month and a half late does that mean it has to last a month and a half longer?  I'd be o.k. if it didn't.

There's something about this day, and the few inches of snow that fell overnight, that hums a tune of newness.  It kind of feels like a New Years Day.  I'm smiling.

Let me share with you a few things I'm grinning about this morning.

1.  I had an appointment with my Neurologist yesterday that went very well.  On the way out he told his receptionist that if I needed him she was to remember that I was on the "short list" and he wanted to know about it right away.  He said, "You're a good guy, I wanna take good care of you."  That made me feel good.

2.  I used my snowblower this morning.  That always makes me smile.

3.  Leah and I were at a wonderful church near Toledo last Sunday.  It was exciting to feel the atmosphere of God's presence there.  I left knowing that God is moving in many ways and in many places.  I'm glad that I have a church family that I miss when I'm not there.  Today I'm looking forward to Sunday and the atmosphere that the Holy Spirit brings to our church through the wonderful people that gather to worship and grow.

4.  Jesus is not a politician.  I've been listening to some of the political news and trying to make sense of some things this week.  I can't.  Inherent within elected office is the need to exaggerate self and discredit opponents.  There is a constant finger on the pulse of compromise to attempt to please as many people as possible and still be able to represent the label you claim. Jesus would have made a terrible politician.  I don't think he'd care about interest rates when there are more people in slavery now than at any time in history.  There are more people persecuted for faith now than in any time in history.  Jesus doesn't need my vote.  That makes me smile.

5.  A friend Skyped me this morning to talk.  It still cracks me up that we can have video chats.  Encouragement comes in many forms.  Seeing a friend's smile that lives a long way away is one of them.

6.  I am learning about courage as I study and meditate on the topic for this sermon series.  I'm grinning about that because only God would ask you to be something, show you what it looks like to be that, give you the ability to live it, and love you as if the whole thing was your idea.

It's Friday, it snowed, it's God's Kingdom, and I'm just grinning,

Pastor Dave

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