Friday, August 26, 2011


I sit in a coffee shop this morning thinking about the fact that school is about to start.


When I shake the trees of my mind to see what memories fall to the ground I find that it is quite a mixed bag.


I remember my first crush.  Not what she looked like or her name or anything about her.  I just remember having a crush on someone in grade school.


I remember my favorite teachers and the ones who parachuted down from Mars in time for the first day of school and remained on our planet for the whole school year.  I know they were from another planet because entry into our atmosphere burned the expression of their face in a constant frown, and God told me that they were required to leave their personality on Mars when they left.


I remember the different levels of humanity that Jr. and Sr. High divided people into.


I mourn over the things I said that should not have been said.


I thank God for the times He protected me and guided me.


I grin over the pranks that….


I'm thinking about the schools in our area that are about to start.  I'm praying that this year would be different.


I'm thinking about the number of teachers who have faith in Christ that live life in front of students and praying that the Author of truth would show up in the topic they teach.


I'm thinking about the number of students that find their way into Bible believing churches every weekend and then enter the sea of potential compromise each weekday.


I'm thinking this year we need to get involved as a church.  We need to send them to school in the name and power of Christ.  Not so they would be a Bible thumping- annoying-arguing-religious walking billboard, but that they would be Jesus.


I am excited about the role we are going to fill this year as a church - senders.  Watch for information on the September 7th event.  Students and teachers need to be there with the people who believe in prayer and witness the miracle of God's call.


Excited to Send,


Pastor Dave


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