Friday, November 5, 2010

The Report

They came from different backgrounds.  They came with different expectations.  They came with different levels of baggage and freedom.  They came with varied degrees of understanding of who Jesus is.  They came to the same river.


Some of them watched the flow from a safe distance.  They limited their exposure and refused the risk of being wet.  They enjoyed the thoughts of getting in the water but they remained far from its current.


Others stood in the same shallow spot they have always stood.  They even applauded themselves because they stood in the river and encouraged others to share in their mediocrity.


Others went deeper with the predetermined knowledge of drying off as soon as possible.  They temporarily splashed and floated in the waters, but they knew that they remained land lovers and had no intention of swimming long enough to let the water make them whole.


Others pretended.  They wore what blends, said what fits, and did what is in line with the average.


But, there were those for whom watching was not enough, wading was not acceptable, splashing was not real, and pretending was distasteful.  There were those who saw the current and longed to be caught up in it.  They were thirsty enough to let moments be gigantic as they took new steps.  They allowed the very molecules of the water to find places on their souls that had remained hidden and barricaded.  They let, and welcomed, even longed for, a cleansing that would empower them to know new levels of intimacy and wholeness.


They are the ones this report is about Lord.  For they are the ones who found cleansing that changed them according to Your will, they are the ones that received something to take back to their homes, they are the ones that found the value You have given them, they are the ones that allowed You into their relationships, they are the ones that have something new to take back.


It is an honor for me to report to You that Your Spirit brought strength where weakness had kept them stagnant.  Your grace taught them to see themselves through the lens of Your Son not the lens of their world.  Your power broke reefs that had held them captive in less than You had reserved for them.


I am sure as a result of this new activity we all are going to be busy with celebration as You continue to work through them.


Submitted in Worship

Galmila, Angel Over Women's Retreats.


This weekend around twenty women from our church will meet with about 400 other women for the Deeper Life Retreat.  May they never be the same and may we all experience renewal and revival as they do.


They came from different backgrounds.  They came with different expectations.  They came with different levels of baggage and freedom.  They came with varied degrees of understanding of who Jesus is.  They came to the same river.


Ezekiel 47:9 " where the river flows everything will live."


Revival Ready,

Pastor Dave


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