Friday, December 18, 2009

Twas the week of Christmas

Twas the week of Christmas and all through the church

our souls were all eager, on our chairs we did perch.


We gathered to worship, as we do every week,

to talk about blessings and His presence to seek.


We sang all the songs we were expected to sing,

and heard from the Bible 'bout peace and such things.


We put on our smiles, wore nice attire,

and said kind words to others designed to inspire.


When to our surprise, who should appear

but the Christ that we worship, "What's He doing here?"


We were really quite shocked, it's a very new thing,

it's not on the schedule to talk with the King.


But He had our attention, so after his greeting,

He lovely asked us, "What's the point of this meeting?"


"We gathered to celebrate the day You were born."

But as soon as we said it His spirit was torn.


"I don't need a season, a day, or a week. 

You too often ignore the treasure I seek."


"I hunger for souls that are wounded and torn,

so I can repair them.  What's why I was born."


"But You are too busy being proper and neat

to hear from my heart or sit at my feet."


"You fret about gifts and other such stuff

as if my love and grace are never enough."


"The message you know is not for a few,

  it's for those who don't know me - but do know you."


"You want to honor my life and be like me?

Do it all year and let everyone see."


Then He was gone as quick as He came

and all of us knew we just weren't the same.


Christmas had meaning, even more than before

since Christ interrupted and walked in the door.


Merry Christmas,

Pastor Dave



Friday, December 11, 2009

Sticky Growth Decisions Continue

Last week I was thinking about the New Year – I still am.  I'm thinking about what God is calling me to.  I'm thinking about what's going to be different.  I'm thinking about how I am growing in my walk with God.  Problem: sometimes I make decisions that don't stick.  Sometimes important steps aren't continued. 
Last week was the first three points on making a resolve that sticks.
1.  Remember the spiritual part of my life includes all of my life.  I need to quit dividing the secular and the spiritual.
2.  I need to start seeking God for what He is calling me to for the next year. Listen – then do. (listendo pronounced lis–ten'-doh)
3.  I need to take steps of growth in faith, but I need to be realistic.  Too many growth steps are never taken because stepping across the Grand Canyon in one step is not a good idea.
This week's call to sticky decisions.
4. Take someone with you on the journey.  Share your growth steps with someone and let them help you take the step.  We've gone too far down the road of "it's personal" and "it's just between me and God."  Having help in growing is part of giving a decision glue.
5. Don't forget about God's grace!  I think sometimes we give up on growth because we sell God's grace short.  "I've messed up already, so never mind."  Grace isn't just about forgiveness, it's also about advancing.  He won't give you one shot and then you're done.  Include a coat of God's "grace glue" to your decision and stick it to your soul. 
6. I may need to pick up a decision that I dropped yesterday.  There are times to forget it and move on, and there are times to finish what was left undone.  Sometimes God can't give me victory for today until He and I have conquered yesterday's gremlins.  Get God's guidance, pick it up and grow to the next level.  That's one of the glue recipes.
7. The vague and undefined growth steps make it impossible to leave a real mark.  God will lead me to specific and measurable steps. "I'm going to be a better person" is not a very sticky step.  "I'm going to forgive ________ for _________" - that's sticky!  I'm going to study __________" - sticky!  "In 2010 I am going to schedule weekly dates with God" - sticky!
Seven points for all of us to dwell on as we all start a new year.  God is leading us to take steps of growth in our walk with him.  May our decisions stick and His will be more important than ours.
Planning on Sticky Growth,
Pastor Dave 

Friday, December 4, 2009

Looking for Sticky Growth

This would be a good time for us to think about how to celebrate the Christ of Christmas.  But, to be honest, my mind has been focused more on the Christ of the New Year.


Every New Year we evaluate the previous year and look ahead to the twelve months that are filled with new potential.  Now is the time to think in advance and start to plan.  What is going to make 2010 a year of growth?


1.  Remember everything impacts your spiritual walk… (or is it your spiritual walk impacts everything?).  New Year changes aren't about changing how I spend my money; they are about stewardship of what God has given me.  New Year changes aren't about getting in shape; they are about honoring God with our bodies.  New Year changes aren't about being nice to people that are mean; they are about giving the grace that God has given me.  New Year changes aren't about going to church more often or reading your Bible more; they are about taking steps of intimacy with God, God's people, and God's Word.  It's spiritual.


I need to be sure that every adjustment I intend to make in 2010 is one that I have evaluated in light of the spiritual realm.  That gives them more glue.


2.  Start asking now!  This is a great time to be talking to the Lord about what His power and love longs to do in my life as I start a new calendar.  What area of growth has God been working in the soil of my spirit?  What desire has He planted?  Think about it, if I want to get deeper in the Word – was that my idea?  God has been planting hungers for intimacy in our hearts waiting for us to tend to that hunger.  What is the hunger God is giving you for the New Year?


 I need to hear from the Lord what He longs to do in my life.  If I know it's from Him it gives change more glue.


3.  Walk the tightrope of realism and faith.  Be realistic about the steps you are thinking about taking.  If you haven't been in the Bible this year but next year you plan to read it through once a week you may not be being realistic (which is a trick of the enemy often – to exaggerate God's call so it leads more to discouragement than it does to fruitfulness).    On the other hand I can make such shallow plans for the New Year that it does not require supernatural cooperation.  I need to let God lead me to changes that require faith and dependence.


This is a time to take steps that require the power of God!  That power gives growth glue.

(to be continued)


Looking for Sticky Growth, 

Pastor Dave