Friday, October 31, 2008

Citizen of a Different Kingdom

On Wednesday morning we will start the day with a new President elect.  Some will be elated, others will be discouraged; some will jump for joy, others will want to jump off roofs.  The issues of the campaign are volatile and have a great range of impact on the nation and the world… but you knew that.

My thoughts -

On the one hand I find myself wanting to be informed so I can make a responsible decision that is godly and in line with what I believe to be best for the nation.  On the other hand I am so annoyed with the process and muck that I am forced to wade through to find what is the closest to a replica of the truth that my vote is more coated in frustration than responsibility.

Don't misunderstand me.  I am an American citizen and I will cast my vote.  The issues of the day are important for now and for the world my great-grandchildren will live in. 

But, this morning as I watched the news, I was glad I'm primarily a citizen of a different Kingdom. 

I will live life in a way that demonstrates the life and call of One who doesn't need approval ratings.  I will cast a vote for a human, but I will only bend my knee to One who doesn't need any votes.  I will give someone the title of President, but will unconditionally honor the One whose title is eternal.  I will clap for a person, but will only worship the One to whom that person will never have more power than.  I will pray for the leader of this nation, but I am praying to the Leader of all nations.

Acts 1:6 has an interesting question.  The resurrected Jesus who is about to ascend into heaven, had spent 40 days with the disciples teaching them about what really mattered – the Kingdom of God. 

The disciple's final question for Jesus was recorded as being, "Lord, are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?"  Whatever the main point of Jesus' teaching on the Kingdom was it wasn't about property or politics, rebellion or Romans.  They missed the eternal point (again) because they wanted an answer to the temporal one.

I live in a democracy (people rule), but I am a member of a theocracy (God rule) in which there is no panic, no fear, no lies, no broken promises, no effective coup attempts, and no laws that are unenforced.  I live in a Kingdom that can't be messed up by policy or power struggles.

In a very real way what you and I do as a result of the Word and call of God on a daily basis, how you and I live the truth of the good news, the lifestyle we commit to and act out regardless of the cost or popularity of such a lifestyle, and the simple events of obedience to our God, is of more significance than what Politian's do to manipulate the world economy and GDP. 

The questions we ask and answers we seek have eternal ramifications for us and those we come in contact with.  Sunday a few hundred people will hear the Word in our church, but that truth is more important to us than a speech millions will hear about the next four years.

I guess this Friday, I don't want to minimize the importance of the election, I want to elevate the importance of the eternal Word of God.   

Cast a vote for someone to sit in a chair, live a life for Someone who sits on a Throne!  By the way, the latter will determine the action of the former.

Voting on Tuesday, Serving Every day,

Pastor Dave










1 comment:

Kevin said...

Great perspective, Pastor Dave.

While studying Revelation this summer, I realized that as much as I love the USA, ALL human governments are part of the world system which is opposed to God and in rebellion against the rule of Christ. But...someday, "the kingdom of this world will become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ, and He will reign forever and ever" (Rev. 11:15) The good news is that Christ can reign in us today and we can be free of the fear that comes from placing our trust in man's governmental rule. If someone is trusting in a human government to save them, they should be terrified, but we who place our trust in Christ alone have perfect peace.