Friday, March 15, 2013

Note: this is personal and I have a request at the end.

Last weekend I started feeling an increased numbness in my legs.  MS never leaves; it just lets you learn to live with it and then reminds you that you're not in control.

By Wednesday evening I asked my wife to pick me up from a meeting that I drove to because as I walked from the building to the car I knew it wouldn't be safe to drive home (The brake is harder to push than the gas. Maybe the former is even more important than the latter).

Wednesday afternoon I called my Neurologist.  Wednesday night he called me back.  8 a.m. Thursday morning I was in his office. Thursday after my appointment I was in the infusion center for the first of 5 days of stuff - steroid stuff.

Here's 3 things I know:
1. My label has not changed - I am a follower of Christ who has MS; I am NOT MS who is a follower of Christ.  I want people to see Christ first even if MS is sometimes more obvious. MS impacts how I walk right now not where am I going.  When I can't point to Christ I am no longer a pastor.

2. see 1.

3. see 2.

I've been on this physical journey since 1988. It has been two years since I have had a set back, the longest span since this all started.  I'm still able to get around - just less graceful.  I understand the cliche "cow with a crutch." A cow is never graceful, but with a crutch it's less so.

Sunday I intend to talk with my fellow followers about Jesus.  I'll do it from a stool close to the floor, a high platform messes up my equilibrium.  I'll do it pointing to Jesus.  I'll do it with all the anointing that God may choose to bless me with.

Here's my requests to those who are MFMCers.
Many of you are new since my last run in with this gunk.  Please know that your pastor is "fine."  I love you and I long for you to see Christ with me, to hear from Christ with me, and to follow Christ with me.

The other thing I'm really feeling led to say is; if you know someone who is hurting, someone who doesn't know how to trust, someone who can't find faith, someone who needs to know they are not alone, someone who needs to know followers of Christ deal with "it" too, someone who might hear a word from a person who isn't flawless - invite them this Sunday.

Something in my spirit believes this is a very important season for us.  I'm asking you to pray for Sunday and watch for the Holy Spirit to bring someone across your path to invite.  I'm asking to pray for my anointing not just my legs (no maybes about it, the former is more important than the latter)

Fellow Follower,

Pastor Dave



glennteal said...

VERY powerful David -- I will be praying with you and for you and that special anointing that is even now being imparted to you


glennteal said...

VERY powerful David -- I will be praying with you and for you and that special anointing that is even now being imparted to you


Michelle Takehara said...

I won't be there...but I love you and I'm praying.

Michelle T.

CnDnBnT said...

I'm not an MFMCer, but boy can I see how your experience will point people to Christ...will pray that God be glorified through it all (which of course will happen with such a willing servant such as yourself)! Prayers for you and the fam as you move through this season of life...

CnDnBnT said...

Oh CnDnBnT would be me....Deb Anderson :)

The Box family said...

Thankful to know the God you introduced us to. Thankful HE is still giving you strength to tell others about HIM. Thankful I know this God and HE calls me HIS. Thanks for inviting us to get to know Jesus. We will celebrate HIM with all the MFMCers.

Matt & SherrillMiller said...

You are a strong man and keep such a positive attitude and even humor through your struggles. Prayer are going up for you from this house. Your family is still very special to us! Blessings!

tbox said...

I think I said "He's so cool!" three times while reading that. Love your heart Dave! I'm jumping on to that prayer train. Tony