Sometimes it's best to really consider current events. So this morning, as I woke, I wanted to write a note on something that would speak to what is going on right now.
Having just been on a tour of the Midland Law Enforcement Center, guns came to mind. Maybe it's time to share my opinion on gun control.
With tax day coming up it would seem fitting to address our nation's addiction to spending more than we make.
Too obvious.
It's always interesting to talk about something that involves the political views of some movie star. That mixes two current events into one!
Really don't give a rip.
I'm looking out the window and it's snowing again. Perhaps climate change, hurricanes, and meteors would be good topic.
It just sounds boring to me.
So here's the current event that I'm going to address. The event that as I woke the news didn't report on, talk radio isn't ripping apart, and the web-world isn't gossiping about. The event that comes to mind this morning will not be changed by a law, a new tax code, an overpaid actress, or an approaching ice age / warming.
What could be more current than God's love for us? If it sounds too cliché the fault is in your understanding of it. There is nothing more important. Nothing. This topic impacts what goes beyond our capacity to understand - eternity.
It kind of makes sense that the biggest current event has been the same through history. If the Roman world would have understood it what took place in coliseums and temples would have been very different. If we would really understand it what takes place in our "coliseums" and "temples" would be very different.
The event to consider this morning is the depth of God's love for you. If you need something more specific - think of what we will remember on the 29th of March and what we will celebrate on the 31st of March.
That's current. And it will be tomorrow. And the day after that. And...
In Awe,
Pastor Dave