In a relationship people need to know their roles.
In a marriage both the husband and the wife must know what being a mate means to them and what they expect it to mean to the other person. Husbands know their role is to go to work, eat dinner, watch tv. Wives know their role is to raise the kids, clean the house, cook the meals, mow the lawn, milk the cows, shovel snow, repair the water heater, wax the cars, and be in awe of how amazing their husband is. Roles.
There are work relationships, friend relationships, relative relationships, dating relationships, family relationships, acquaintance relationships, and a myriad of other ones too. Each of us has relational roles that need to be filled. If your view of the relationship is as abusive and twisted as the description in the paragraph above I'm guessing you don't have many solid relationships.
The Psalmist gave a good summary of the God/human relationship in the 63rd Psalm and the 8th verse, "My soul clings to you; your right hand upholds me."
I am the clinger, He is the upholder.
I am the needy one, He is the meeter of those needs.
I am the hungry one, He is the distributer of nourishment.
I need enough energy to hold on, He has the strength to hold me up.
I have a soul that is empty, He is what fills the void.
God and I have a pretty good understanding of our roles. He's God - I'm not.
When I live like that I find there is good guidance that helps me in the other roles I have to fill. When God is my God and I am His servant I am a better spouse, boss, employee, dad, friend, and acquaintance.
I'm thankful I'm learning more about my role as a follower. Part of my role is to be thankful. Sunday we'll talk about doing the work of a thankful person.
Hoping you didn't stop reading after the first paragraph and start writing me a note,
Pastor Dave