Friday, October 11, 2013


Leah and I have been married for over 31 years. She is my bride.

Now, I could go into a long list of reasons why I love her, respect her, and am attracted to her, but it's not needed and most likely would not be entirely appropriate.

I'm thinking from a different angle. Imagine a really stupid person coming to me to complain about her. They might have their list of things that bug them about my wife and why they are unhappy with her.  That would be a stupid person (I'm sure the word stupid is somehow not p.c. and offensive - but it fits).

I am honest enough to admit that my wife is not flawless, but you can't unjustly criticize her - I chose her. It was a good choice that, given the opportunity, would be made again without hesitation!

If we can imagine why I would stick up for my bride, why would we not assume that Christ would to the same?  He chose her. He gave his life for her. He promised to return for her. He wrote his eternity to include her.

I think we should be careful how we talk about her.

I think we should be sure not to ignore her.

I think we should be part of her and let him prepare us for himself.

Jesus is better at sticking up for his bride than I am mine.  I'd give my life for mine, he already did. I'd get mad if you complained about mine, I wonder if he does too…

Husband and Bride,


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