Friday, April 26, 2013

A Super Day

Today I will pull on my tights and cape.  I will catch a bus full of kids that has fallen off a bridge and fly it to safety.  I will jump to a bank that is being robbed and gather the criminals, their bullets bouncing off my chest, and deposit them in jail.  I will fly to New York and stop a terrorist from hurting anyone by grabbing his bomb and flying it out of earths atmosphere so that it explodes far enough away that the planet is safe. I will grab a tornado and guide it away from civilization. Then… I will have breakfast.


Today I will follow Christ with all that I am and know there is nothing I could do to earn his love.  I will enter this day with faith that matters and quietly know that God is God and I am not. I will thank him for his blessings and even talk to him about some of my concerns.  I will read the Bible and let its truth read me. I will look at what needs to be done and ask for his strength to do it, and then, in advance, promise not to let what remains undone ruin my night. Then… I will have breakfast.

One of those days would make a boring movie, but a great life.  One of those won't make the paper, but would be applauded by God.  One of those is more likely than the other.  Too often both of them are imaginary… one doesn't have to be.

Having a Super Day,


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