Friday, September 30, 2011


I never know what's going to be on my mind first thing in the morning, often it's a song.

This morning it was a kid's song from years ago, "So Noah, he built him/He built him an arky, arky/Noah, he built him/He built him an arky, arky/Built it out of gopher barky, barky/Children of the Lord"

I don't know why I remember a lot of the words to Tennessee Ernie Fords, Kiss Me Big. Often it's a song I hear bouncing around in my mind (there's a story behind that we need not unpack). 

I love it when a song we sang in church gets stuck in my mind. The hymn Salvation's Song is one of my favorites right now, "So with every breath that I am given/I will sing salvation's song/And I'll join the chorus of creation/Giving praise to Christ alone/Singing glory, honor…" 

Waking up to "Giving praise to Christ alone" is better than "Kiss me baby till my eyes pop out." 

I wonder what God sings? I'm sure it's not a hymn from 2010, 1975, 1840, or 1532. God has his own list of songs that He sings over the people He has redeemed.I'm guessing His songs aren't sappy. His songs would be about a love that would pay a huge price and be strong enough to break the power of death. His songs would be in minor keys and have intense rhythms. A song that God sings would be about His grace that is beyond exact duplication. A God song would somehow be about both Himself and those created in His image, about how He makes all the difference and can defeat any enemy that stands in my way.  

Imagine hearing a song that God was singing with all of heaven. I can't grasp what that would sound like in my feeble imagination. I can't find any human expression of music and velcro it to God assuming they match. But, I can imagine it happing even if I can't imagine the sound. I can live in the poetic expression of its reality even if I can't feel the vibrations of it in my ear. I can be free because of the song of love and victory that God sings.  

I can sit with the Psalmist and listen with my faith...

You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance. (Psalm 32:7)

Maybe I'm taking it out of context. Maybe the Psalmist is hearing the songs of deliverance that the people are singing because of God's protection. Maybe you can't handle the thought of God singing. Zephaniah could -

Zephaniah 3.17 The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing."

We think of God being the Audience of our worship. Have you ever thought about being the audience of His concert? Listen well today.


Pastor Dave

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