Getting ready for Easter
How could we get our spirits ready for Easter? We can make all the dinner plans and get the menu ready - but does that get us ready? We can buy new clothes and eat a dozen chocolate peanut butter eggs a day (fyi - did you know that some things that taste good aren't good for you... Shocking!) But how do we really get ready?
1. Easter doesn't happen without a Good Friday. Have I laid my life down for Christ?
2. Drama fits for dramatic things. Am I ready to engage in an eternal supernatural exchange with God, or is this just a Holiday?
3. Resurrected people don't live like dead people. Can I risk the radical life change of being unwilling to embrace what doesn't fit with new life?
4. Faith requires that I believe in something greater than me. Can I expect and trust in a miracle from the hand of God.
5. The casual and the extraordinary don't mix. If I am yawning because I have no expectation of change should I be shocked when I receive in line with the yawn and not the gasp?
6. Prayer into the day would be a good start. Is there a logical piece we miss by not asking the risen Christ to make this day all that His will intends for it to be?
7. When the power of the risen Christ is given permission to change me I shouldn't be surprised when life is different. Is it time for a reformation that causes us to avoid the gunk that Christ calls us out of and boldly go where most are too spiritually timid to go?
I'm thinking about Easter. I'm wondering what will make this one different. I imagine an overflowing church. I have faith that new life will be more than a slogan. I trust for some of us Easter Sunday will change everything that matters.
Glad God Rolls Stones,
Pastor Dave
It was wonderful to find you on the internet. This is Paul Caylor. You sorta married Barb Ramey and I what seems like a very long time ago.
I've always enjoyed your heart for God. I pray that God gives you peace and guides your words. Happy Easter.
We are on facebook, if you ever want to look us up and check out how big the girls have gotten. Barb and I have listened to a few of your sermons lately... Your still Dave.
I'm running a Blogger too called Bible Study Buddies. :-) I have it locked down, so let me know if you want access. Makes both of us miss Michigan some finding you on here
Keep up the good work for God.
BTW... if you do look us up on Facebook. Search for
Barb or paul
should say in Knoxville Tn
we are the only ones in the whole database that have that...
Again great to see you, although I didnt think it was you with the whiskers. Miss going camping with you guys.
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