Friday, February 13, 2009

What Are You Reading

Last week I asked what you were reading so we could share with each other one of the tools of growth. Below is a sample of quotes from books that are being or have been read.

My disclaimer is that I don't know all of the authors below or the content of their full message. So, I hesitate to encourage you to run out and get the book. But, I have a hunch that the Spirit can recommend and warn more effectively than I can anyway.

I heard a speaker say once, "The only thing more sad than people not being able to read, is people who can… but don't."

Enjoy -

"I cannot speak for God unless I listen to Him speak for Himself."
Philip Yancey, The Bible Jesus Read

"Faith is about confidence in God's character, that he is good and true and beautiful."
Erwin Raphael McManus, Wide Awake: The Future is Waiting Within You

"Trust is the fruit of a relationship in which you know you are loved."
William Young, The Shack

"With intact, flexible external and internal boundaries people can have intimacy in their lives when they choose..."
Pia Mellody, Facing Codependence

"God is not threatened; rather He is immeasurably saddened by false worship. When people worship anyone or anything besides Him, they become like it. God has better intentions for people.
Ralph D. Winter, Perspectives on the World Christian Movement

"The gateway to resurrection power is crucifixion. God will arrange opportunities for you to die to self." Francis Frangipane, The Cup

"Ben thought about Li Quan, whose professional dreams had been dashed, who made a hundredth of Ben's income and now sat in some godforsaken jail. What shocked Ben was the particular feeling he had toward Quan at the moment. He felt envy."
Randy Alcorn, Safely Home

"There is a discipline of the heart that marks the free spirit. All of us long to play the song within our soul, and I imagine we would all do so if it didn't require the endless hours of studying the notes."
Erwin McManus, UPRISING A Revolution of the Soul

"People need spiritual tour guides. They have had plenty of spiritual travel agents. Be a tour guide through the process of spiritual transformation in your church. Take people on a journey with you."
Thom S. Rainer, Simple Church

"Has the Lord the right to demand them {actions of surrender} as conditions of discipleship? The answer is that He has asked nothing that He has not first done himself."
J. Oswald Sanders, Spiritual Discipleship

"The Desert Fathers did not think of solitude as being alone, but as being alone with God, they did not think of silence as not speaking, but as listening to God."
Henri Nouwen, The Way of the Heart

"Too many people simply see salvation as a 'quick dip' of God's paint roller, painting over the dirt to make them 'nice and clean.'"
Jack Hayford, The Anatomy of Seduction

"The thought that God wants me to serve him by concentrating on making my wife happy was extraordinary. Can it mean, then, if my wife is unhappy I'm failing God?
Gary Thomas, Sacred Marriage

"Amid the painful consciousness of ignorance and unworthiness, in the struggle between believing and doubting, the heavenly art of effectual prayer is learnt."
Andrew Murray, With Christ in the School of Prayer

By the way, it's Friday the 13th! You know what that means don't you? Do you understand?

That means it's the day after Thursday and the day before Saturday! That means tomorrow is the 14th! In other words, if you get hurt walking under a ladder – that's because walking under ladders is dangerous!

This day is God's not Satan's or superstitions! Don't give it away, live it –

Be Blessed in Your Journey,

Pastor Dave

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